Breast Reconstruction Post Mastectomy
- Surgical services covers both immediate and delayed breast reconstruction post mastectomy or breast conserving surgery.
- Methods of reconstruction includes free or pedicled native tissue transfers, lipofilling technique and breast implants.

Vaginal Reconstruction
- Performed together with urology, colorectal surgery and oncology gynaecology teams.
- Cases such as pelvic exenteration for pelvic tumours and correction of rectovaginal or urovaginal fistulas, either malignant or as a consequence of radiotherapy.

Orthoplastic Services
- Cases referred from Orthopaedics specialty for wound coverage post trauma, tumour excision or infection.
- Immediate or delayed wound coverage with skin graft, pedicled, free flap techniques or combinations of these techniques are employed.

Head and Neck Reconstruction
- Approximately 70 head and neck reconstruction post excision of tumour are performed annually
- Multidisciplinary team surgery with Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Otorhinolaryngology for management of cancer and ameloblastoma which requires immediate reconstruction
- Case mix includes reconstruction for full or partial tongue surgery, cheek wall reconstruction, and mandibular and maxillary reconstruction post bone excision for tumours that invades underlying bone.
- Most reconstructions in this category employs free tissue transfers that might include bone, muscle and soft tissue.
- Pharyngeal wall defects post surgery are reconstructed with participation of Otorhinolayngology and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery teams

Chest Wall Reconstruction
- Cases such as locally advanced breast cancer with significant chest wall, skin and axillary involvement, immediate chest wall reconstruction with free soft tissue transfers are performed after Breast Surgery team completed excision and axillary dissection.
- For tumours arising from within the thorax and mediastinum, surgery will involve Cardiothoracic . Surgeons to remove the primary tumour while Plastic Surgeons offer access to the tumour through the chest wall and closure of the chest wall defect, either primarily, utilising implants and/or free soft tissue transfer.

Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
- Cases includes primary wall cancers or cancers from the bowel of female reproductive organs which spreads to the abdominal wall.
- Reconstruction includes application of composite mesh, abdominal wall component separation, pedicled or free tissue transfer.

Perineal Reconstruction
- Cases includes excision of perineal extramammary Paget’s, closure of Fournier’s gangrene and closure of complicated perineal wound post trauma or excision of tumpour.
- Multimodality of wound coverage technique are used.